7th Course: International School of Cardiac Surgery – Imaging and the heart

ERICE – 9 – 14 APRIL 2017

“International School of Cardiac Surgery” – IMAGING AND THE HEART

Purpose of the course:

This interactive Course is dedicated to all health care professionals involved in the diagnosis and the treatment of diseases of the heart and great vessels, especially to cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, radiologists. It is designed to convey the experience of an interdisciplinary Faculty in providing a  comprehensive survey of the advances that have taken place in the various imaging techniques pertaining to these fields and in their contemporary and forthcoming adoptions in diverse clinical scenarios.
These topics will be highlighted, appraised and discussed in depth, so that, at the completion of the Course, participants will have had the opportunity to gain a thorough knowledge of the state of the art of the most innovative scientific and technological advances in the field of imaging and in their most appropriate implementation in the different aspects of cardiovascular pathology.

Abstract submission

The organizing committee welcomes abstracts for oral or poster presentations regarding topics consistent with general themes of the Course. An entire session of the meeting will be dedicated to this purpose.
Participants wishing to present a paper during the meeting should send an abstract not later than March 1st, 2017 to the following e-mail address: hugin@iol.it. Notice of acceptance of the papers selected for presentation will be sent via e-mail by March 31st, 2017.


Persons wishing to attend the Course should send an application, preferably by electronic mail, to: Prof. Ugo Filippo Tesler – hugin@iol.it


– Date and place of birth together with present nationality
– Present position and place of work

Registration Fee

The fee for attending the 2017 Course of the “International School of Cardiac Surgery” is € 600,00 per participant.
The course “fee”, besides the scientific sessions, includes housing, meals, airport transfers and all social activities associated with the Centre during your stay in Erice.

Struttura ad Alta Specializzazione
Personale qualificato e tecnologia all'avanguardia sono al vostro servizio.
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